Full-scope CRO services to elevate clinical excellence

Clinical Trials

At Qserve CRO we offer end-to-end clinical trial services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. From study design and protocol development to site selection, patient recruitment, and data management, we provide a seamless and efficient process. Our experienced clinical research professionals ensure trials are conducted in accordance with international standards and regulatory guidelines. We prioritize patient safety, data integrity, and timely delivery, enabling our clients to advance their products through the clinical development phase.

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Clinical Evaluation

Qserve CRO specializes in providing comprehensive clinical evaluation CRO services for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic products. Our team of experienced professionals meticulously assesses the scientific and clinical data to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. We work closely with clients to compile and review all relevant clinical evidence, supporting the safety and efficacy of their products. Our rigorous evaluation process helps clients navigate complex regulatory pathways, ultimately facilitating successful product registrations and market access.

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PMCF Solutions

Qserve CRO offers a range of PMCF CRO services to assist medical device and in-vitro diagnostic companies in post-market surveillance and compliance. We design and implement PMCF surveys and studies that gather real-world data on product performance and safety, helping clients meet regulatory obligations and ensure ongoing product quality. Our tailored PMCF solutions provide valuable insights into product effectiveness and safety profiles, enabling proactive decision-making and continuous improvement.

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Qserve CRO

How can we help you?

Discover a range of tailored solutions designed to propel your medical device and IVD projects forward. From cutting-edge research and development support to efficient clinical trials and post-market strategies, our CRO services are a roadmap to success in the dynamic healthcare landscape.

Based on your clinical strategy, Qserve CRO can help you to determine the most appropriate clinical study design as a key element for a successful clinical investigation. This includes amongst others definition of endpoints, statistical sample size calculations, and patient follow-up requirements. We have experience with pilot studies, pivotal studies, and post-market studies.

Qserve clinical studies can be designed in compliance with ISO 14155, EU MDR, applicable FDA regulatory requirements and guidance documents, MDCG guidance documents, and as required, customized to local and national regulations.

For a clinical investigation, dedicated project management is important to manage resources, documents, and overall study progress. The amount of time required for the management of a clinical study is often underestimated. Our customized clinical project management approach ensures adherence to the plans combined with good quality. In addition, it focuses on the minimization of any project risks. Lastly, adequate and tailored Clinical Project Management will result in a positive return on investment.

Qserve’s experts are experienced in managing clinical investigations with medical devices from start to end. We know where to expect the pitfalls and how to keep all stakeholders on track. Our multi-national team has extensive experience in clinical affairs, study management, and project management, developing and maintaining monitor and site relations.

Clinical Project Management includes:

  • Development and management of site relationships
  • Resource management
  • Team coordination
  • Problem-solving
  • Quality and regulatory compliance
  • Progress and deadline compliance

Country and site feasibility assessment is the foremost element in a successful clinical investigation. Proper site feasibility assessment and site selection ensure completion of the milestones and inclusion of subjects with the planned enrollment rate.

Our team can support you with:

  • Site feasibility assessment
  • Site selection
  • Site qualification
  • Plan the enrollment rate and anticipations related to the clinical investigation
  • Manage local challenges
  • CIP assessment to reduce site-specific risks

Qserve CRO can support you with Ethics Committee (EC)/Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Competent Authority (CA) submission and obtaining approval for your medical device clinical investigations. Although ISO 14155 prescribes generally the sponsor’s obligations in communicating with CA and EC, there are significant differences between countries and even within countries. National laws and regulations influence the submission and reporting requirements and timelines. Our regulatory experts are continuously following the changes in all local legislation, guidelines and regulations to ensure a short as possible EC and CA review timelines.

Differences between countries in CA and EC/IRB requirements can impact study budget and planning, and choice of local study sites and should preferably be part of your clinical strategy. With our experience, we can assist in an efficient Regulatory Submission process including submission, (re-)approval, maintenance, and reporting.

Qserve can support you with:  

  • Submission planning and strategy
  • Compiling submission packages
  • Ethics Committee (EC)/IRB submission
  • Competent Authority (CA) submission
  • Local hospital board submission
  • Amendments and study termination submissions

The aim of data management is to provide high-quality data and gather the maximum amount of valuable data for analysis. In this process, data are collected, cleaned, and managed. High-quality data should be attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original and accurate (ALCOA). High-quality statistically valid data are important for the outcome of the study and can give you a head start on the competition.

EDC Systems

Generally, electronics data capturing systems (EDCs) are used where investigators can directly upload the data in electronic case report forms (eCRFs). At the end of the clinical trial, the data set in the system is provided to statisticians for further analysis. An appropriate statistical analysis should reveal if differences in effects between two or more interventions are significant or due to chance. Data analysis must be tailored to your research questions and defined before data collection starts.


Qserve CRO team has experienced Clinical Data managers. The data managers have experience with several data management systems and work with professional, validated electronic data capture (EDC) systems. Thereby, we can ensure the reliability of your study data and construct a compliant database for final analysis. We are also flexible and can utilize our client preferred platforms. Our team can assist with all, or part of the Data Management activities.


Biostatistics are used for a statistically sound design of the clinical investigation. Based on the design of the clinical study, a statistical analysis plan is developed. After completion of the study, a statistical analysis report will be made that provides all statistical analysis performed for the study.

Our services for Biostatistics:

  • Design of the clinical investigation
  • Sample size calculation
  • Statistical analysis planning
  • Statistical analysis report

Monitoring of clinical study sites ensures that your clinical study is conducted in compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and ISO 14155. Qserve has experienced clinical research associates (CRAs) within their team and a worldwide network of monitors. Our CRA team (internal or outsourced) is strategically located geographically to cover a broad range of site locations.

When you delegate your monitoring activities to Qserve, we will create a tailored monitoring plan and allocates dedicated monitors/CRAs to your study and site(s). This will establish a good site relationship and the CRA serve as the site’s primary point of contact. The monitor’s in-depth knowledge of the protocol, ICF, CRFs, and operational and procedural plans results in efficient and compliant monitoring. Qserve supports site selection and initiation, interim monitoring, close-out visits, (re-)training of sites, file reviews, query resolution, and support of follow-up actions. Our monitors are comfortable with remote monitoring and risk-based monitoring, as well as 100% on-site source data verification (SDV).

We offer a comprehensive program of training courses on a wide range of clinical topics. Our courses are delivered by our experts and are suitable for professionals at all stages of their career.

Our training courses:

  • Clinical Evaluation under the MDR
  • Literature Search for Medical Device Design
  • Literature Search for IVDs
  • PMCF
  • Clinical Surveys
  • ISO 14155 GCP

CEC and DMC activities

The data monitoring committee (DMC, also called DSMB) is established by the sponsor. The DMC monitors progress of the clinical study and reviews safety and performance data to advise the sponsor on continuing, suspending , modifying or stopping the clinical data. A Clinical Events Committee (CEC) is a committee of independent experts that takes decisions on safety and performance endpoints. The ultimate goal of the CEC is to have a high-quality standardized outcome for relevant endpoints.

We are able to:

  • Develop DMC and CEC charters
  • Create documentation for DMC and CEC review
  • Support in scheduling/organizing DMC and CEC meetings

Qserve team manages and coordinates safety reporting according to applicable regulations such as Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR), FDA regulatory requirements, and MDCG guidance (2020-10/1) together with local/country-specific regulations. Adverse events are reported in a timely manner to appropriate parties.

The clinical investigation is concluded with the writing of the clinical investigation report. This will be written based on the data collected in the clinical investigation and the statistical analysis report.

Clinical investigation documentation, including but not limited to Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP), Investigator Brochure (IB), Informed Consent Form (ICF), and Clinical Investigation Report(s) can be written in accordance with Good Documentation Practice, ISO 14155 requirements and applicable local requirements by Qserve. We have experience with the development of all the essential documents for clinical investigation on behalf of manufacturers. Medical writing will be involved in creating and reviewing the essential documents as medical writing is an art and a skill.

In addition, we can prepare, manage and maintain the Trial Master File (TMF) during clinical investigations ensuring compliance with ICH-GCP and ISO 14155.

PMCF data collection is important to understand the safety and performance of your device in “real-world” use. Prospective PMCF activities, such as a registry, follow the same process as a clinical investigation although not all requirements apply as the device already has market authorization.

Qserve also can support with PMCF surveys. In a high-quality PMCF survey, patient-specific clinical data are obtained based on a PMCF survey plan. In this plan, the following is covered:

  • Clear scope
  • Appropriate design including endpoints and acceptance criteria
  • Evaluation of potential sources of bias, including measures to reduce bias as far as possible
  • Statistical justification for the sample size
  • Questionnaire covering at least the defined endpoints
  • Methods for data collection and data analysis

The questionnaire in the survey will be completed by end-users based on the information documented in a patient chart.

With your input, Qserve will write the PMCF survey plan and design the questionnaire. After finalization of the plan, the questionnaire will be programmed in an electronic data capturing (EDC) system followed by deployment of the survey. The incoming completed surveys will be reviewed and managed. When all surveys have been collected, data will be analyzed, including statistical analysis to support that the endpoints of the survey are met, and a PMCF survey report will be written.

Qserve provides the following services:

  • Survey plan development
  • Determine feasibility of survey execution
  • Delivery of electronic survey
  • Data management
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Assistance with communication with Notified Body

As part of our medical device CRO services, we offer writing of clinical evaluations. In addition, the team is skilled for medical writing of other clinical documentation, such as scientific publications, investigator newsletters, promotional materials, or training slide decks. In addition, Qserve can support with writing of technical documentation to support clinical investigations. We always ensure regulatory compliance.

Clinical Auditing

Clinical Auditing according to ISO 14155
Collaborations and delegation of tasks among several stakeholders is common in clinical studies. However, as a sponsor you have the obligation to keep oversight, and to take responsibility for regulatory compliance, ethical conduct and the quality and integrity of your clinical data. Auditing is a valuable tool to evaluate compliance with the protocol, the procedures, International Standards and the applicable regulatory requirements.

Our clinical team gained experience working at Notified Bodies, CRO’s and Sponsors/Manufacturers. This combination of backgrounds, combined with Qserve’s in-depth knowledge of clinical and regulatory affairs will offer you a comprehensive, objective, and compliant audit.

Auditing your vendors, external- and/or internal processes by Qserve auditors gives an independent and systematic overview of the study compliance and the data quality. We provide clear and concise audit reports and can help write and implement corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) when needed.

Qserve can perform all types of audits tailored to your expectations. Among others we offer:

  • Study site audit
  • Sponsor internal audit
  • CRO audit
  • Subcontractor audit
  • Trial master file audit
  • Inspection readiness audit
Qserve CRO
“Qserve CRO has experts who are very familiar with identifying the correct regulatory requirements to be addressed, as well as developing an appropriate research question(s) required to fulfill the regulatory requirements.”
Wouter Matthews / Project Manager

Qserve’s team has extensive awareness of medical writing, data analysis, and broad experience as writers of CEPs and CERs – we can support any medical device manufacturer. Contact us and our team will answer all your questions about our services, solutions, and budgets.

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Experience and Expertise in Medical Device CRO

At Qserve CRO, we are the leading contract research organization (CRO) dedicated to the medical device sector. Our team has extensive experience across diverse device categories, including cardiovascular, vascular, orthopedics, ophthalmology, urology, neurology, dental, wound care, and imaging. We emphasize a strategic, Notified Body-approved, and practical approach to ensure your clinical trials achieve successful outcomes.

Our clinical team consists of professionals with rich backgrounds from Notified Bodies, CROs, and Sponsors/Manufacturers. This diversity, combined with Qserve’s deep regulatory expertise, guarantees that your clinical trials are conducted with the highest standards of efficiency and compliance. We tailor each trial to the specific needs of your medical device, whether it’s feasibility, pre-market, or post-market studies, spanning Class I to Class III devices. Rely on Qserve CRO for outstanding results, delivered by our experienced and dedicated team.

Qserve CRO

Therapeutic Specialties

Qserve excels in CRO services of excellence in clinical affairs. We support trials across all therapeutic areas for Class I to Class III medical devices, ensuring the collection of high-quality, ISO 14155-compliant clinical data. With Qserve CRO, you can count on comprehensive support throughout your clinical trial journey.

Therapeutic specialties with icons
Qserve CRO

How we work

Qserve is your trusted partner for consulting CRO services in the Medical Device industry globally. Whether you’re a startup, small or mid-size company, or a multinational corporation, we’re here to support you in bringing your products to the global market.

At Qserve, we work with a global team of experts, managing various projects across the medical device landscape. We collaborate to navigate the complex regulatory compliance and market approval processes, ensuring your products meet the requirements for successful market entry.

Are you seeking a partner to assist you in preparing your product for Market Approval? Qserve offers comprehensive services to support you every step of the way, including:

Clinical Device Project Management

We know where to expect the pitfalls and how to keep all stakeholders on track. Our multi-national team has extensive experience in clinical affairs, study management, and project management, developing and maintaining monitor and site relations.

Full-service Medical Device CRO

From designing and executing clinical trials to conducting PMCF surveys, we offer a comprehensive suite of CRO services tailored to meet your medical device and IVD needs.

Medical Device Registration

Our experts assist with preparing and submitting regulatory applications for medical device registration, streamlining the process, and expediting market entry.

Regulatory Strategy

We provide strategic guidance to help you develop a roadmap for regulatory compliance and market access tailored to your specific product and target markets.